Take time to notice your garden – sights, sounds, smells… recognise how it makes you feel. The best time to ‘smell the roses’ is just before dusk. This is when the scent from your garden is strongest, having been warmed all day by the sun. Grow flowers that attract wildlife or put up a bird feeder. Tune into the calming chirps of our songbirds.


Evidence suggests that the physical feeling of touching soil and plants releases serotonin – our happy hormone and our body’s natural antidepressant. Our world is becoming ever more sterile – a little dirt actually boosts your body’s immune system, keeping bugs at bay.

Being outside also kick starts your body into producing more vitamin D; great for bone strength. Your physical strength is bound to improve too!


Get away from any distractions – leave your mobile or tablet in the house and take time out of the digital world. The natural environment automatically influences our mood, helping you relax, de-stress and restore your inner peace. Enjoy your garden and time for yourself.

As nature is so good for the soul, it is no wonder that gardening therapy is one of the biggest trends; many new gardeners choose to grow their own

Not only will the activity of gardening help your well-being, but your crop also provides your very own supermarket of fresh, flavoursome produce on tap to pick as and when you need it.

Your crop will be packed full of nutrients – you’ll be eating healthier and feeling better in yourself as a result.

Start simple with tomatoes, lettuce or strawberries, you will feel a warm feeling of achievement when you serve homegrown food to your family.

Recent research found that when you harvest your crop, your body releases dopamine – pulling up your own vegetables from the ground and picking your own fruit literally gives you a natural high.

You are in control. Whether you are planning your allotment or designing your entire garden, you are in charge.

You will find inspiration everywhere… colours, designs, what to grow; building confidence and self-esteem whilst creating something wonderful.

Enjoy bouquets of freshly cut flowers that will adorn your own home and dinner parties with homegrown veg recipes you’ve invented yourself!.

A little bird song, bees or butterflies floating by, the light breeze on your skin, the warmth of the sunshine on your face – it is certainly good for the soul. With a few deep breaths, it is hard to remember why you felt so stressed.

Gardening is great for cardiovascular health; it’s proven to cut the risk of a heart attack or stroke by as much as 30% in the over 60’s.

Gardening significantly lowers blood pressure – digging over that veggie patch will certainly burn some calories!

No matter what size, our gardens also have an extremely positive effect on our mental health and personal well-being.

Extensive research has discovered that those with access to green spaces had significant reductions in stress and anxiety along with other chronic conditions, such as migraines, asthma and diabetes.

Gardening is a really easy way to practice mindfulness – removing that weed, pruning your rose bush, feeding the tomatoes in the greenhouse, or simply watching the water tumble from the can.

You will find that you naturally give your mind a break; gardening helps you relax intuitively as you focus on the task in hand and live in the moment surrounded by nature.