As nature is so good for the soul, it is no wonder that gardening therapy is one of the biggest trends; many new gardeners choose to grow their own
Not only will the activity of gardening help your well-being, but your crop also provides your very own supermarket of fresh, flavoursome produce on tap to pick as and when you need it.
Your crop will be packed full of nutrients – you’ll be eating healthier and feeling better in yourself as a result.
Start simple with tomatoes, lettuce or strawberries, you will feel a warm feeling of achievement when you serve homegrown food to your family.
Recent research found that when you harvest your crop, your body releases dopamine – pulling up your own vegetables from the ground and picking your own fruit literally gives you a natural high.
You are in control. Whether you are planning your allotment or designing your entire garden, you are in charge.
You will find inspiration everywhere… colours, designs, what to grow; building confidence and self-esteem whilst creating something wonderful.
Enjoy bouquets of freshly cut flowers that will adorn your own home and dinner parties with homegrown veg recipes you’ve invented yourself!.